The Ethical Network of San Antonio (ENSA) is a LOCAL network for independent professionals and
small businesses prioritizing ETHICS in their work and purchases.
We bring like-minded people together to network in support of ethical and sustainable business practices; local job creation; and positive social and environmental impact. ENSA helps members grow their businesses and organizations, by hosting events such as our original Good Market holiday pop-up, Impact Hour talks, panel discussions, and other community-based events.
We strive to bring together like minded people in 3 ways:
Business to Business: Fostering a community of support to ensure businesses thrive.
Individuals to Business: Providing local resources to individuals and a supportive, engaged customer based to businesses.
Organizations to Business:
Encouraging the support of our local community by linking local non-profits to local businesses.
We believe in progress over perfection, but the only way to continue to progress is through education.
We provide resources to educate businesses on best practices and new strategies to maintain their ethical business.
We teach the community ways to become more conscious of their impact through lifestyle and purchases.
By connecting and learning we will be able to grow into a more ethical and sustainable community. We are a resource for ethically minded businesses to not only survive, but thrive in a supportive and engaged community.