It's hard to remember a time that I wasn't interested in sustainability in some aspect or another. I was the girl that always wanted to recycle, learn about environmental issues, and save endangered animals. Handmade items always drew me in and natural based fabrics like bamboo were always super interesting, but I never really thought about where my clothes came from or how they were made. As far as I was concerned, sweat shops were this abstract thing that Nike got caught using, and no one would ever possibly do that again.
Then in 2013 the Rana Plaza disaster happened on the other side of the world and I never heard a thing about it. It wasn't until 2016 when a friend told me about the documentary The True Cost, that I realized people being exploited to make our clothing was still a problem. Even then I was on the fence. I couldn't figure out why ethical clothing costs so much. I couldn't believe that this wasn't sensationalized. None of it really made sense. So I started doing my own research.
Now, I've hit the ground running involving myself deeper and deeper into the community as I explore all the facets of sustainability and ethical living. It sometimes feels like I'm falling into a never ending rabbit hole, but I know that it's doing some good. Even the smallest ripples have an effect.
In January 2017, I started my blog The Road to Ethical. Then in March I launched a Kickstarter for my own brand Blessed Designs. By October I was linked up with some great ladies starting the Ethical Network of San Antonio which also brought me to my current position as Creative Director/Stylist for Revolution Thrift.
I'm still amazed at where this journey has brought me. I've always done a lot of stuff, always eager to make a difference and not just be someone taking up space, but this is the first time I've felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Everything I've ever done, learned, and been through has brought me to this place in my life and I couldn't be happier being a part of such an incredible movement. It's exciting to see the new layers that get dissected and the new things we learn at every turn. Yet, one of the most important lessons I've learned through it all is "progress over perfection". We're getting there. The problems weren't created over night and they won't be fixed over night, but being aware and conscious of our decisions and the effect they can have on the environment and people half way around the world is a great start.